Highways licences and permits
You are legally required to apply for permission to carry out work, roadworks, streetworks or other notifiable activities on the public highway. Apply for works in Norfolk using the options below.
You can apply online, where available, or the form may be emailed or posted. Contact details can be found on individual application forms.
Fees and charges
- Access to pedestrianised roads (PDF) [43KB]
- Dropped kerb applications
- 'H-bar' advisory access road markings
Play Streets
Carnivals, sporting events and other celebrations
Banners over the highway
Electric vehicle (EV) charging cables
You need permission to run an electric vehicle charging cable across a public footway (path). You need to renew this every two years.
A scaffold/hoardings licence is required if the scaffold is to be placed on the public highway, which is applied for by scaffold companies registered with Norfolk County Council.
- Brown Tourist Information signs (PDF) [162KB]
- Cables or banners over the highway (PDF) [155KB]
- Application for consent to erect event signs in the highway (Word doc) [79KB]
- Dog control signs (PDF) [107KB]
- Roundabout sponsorship
A licence is required for a skip if is going to be placed on the public highway (verge, path, or road). You need to apply for a licence every time you wish to place a skip on the highway. This is a statutory requirement.
A licence is not required if the skip is to be placed on private property.
Street furniture (benches, bins etc)
- Dog waste bins (PDF) [107KB]
- Street furniture (benches, shelter, notice boards, bins, planters etc) information and form (PDF) [106KB]
We have no powers to give consent or charge traders operating from lay-bys.
We do not take any preventative action to stop trading provided that the following conditions apply:
- There is no danger or obstruction to traffic resulting from the presence of the stall, van, stand etc. Should the position of the site cause an obstruction we have no authority to move immediately. The only authority who can request that someone ceases an obstruction is the Police
- There is no nuisance to adjoining landowners or persons
- The traders leave the site daily when trading ceases
- The Public Health Authority is satisfied
- No damage to the highway verge occurs as a result of your presence
- No signs on the highway
- Notice of works (Word doc) [128KB] (DOC) email applications to streetworks@norfolk.gov.uk
- Temporary traffic orders guidance (PDF) [123KB] - application form (Word doc) [79KB] email applications to streetworks@norfolk.gov.uk
- Portable light signals information pack and form (PDF) [166KB]
- Cables over the highway information and form (PDF) [155KB]
- Section 50 - Private apparatus information and form (Word doc) [53KB]
- Consent to store materials on the highway - please contact streetworks@norfolk.gov.uk for further advice