Corporate strategies and policies

Council vision and strategy
The Better Together, for Norfolk strategy and our Corporate Delivery Plan

Norfolk devolution and local government reform updates
Norfolk devolution and local government reform updates
Norfolk County Council Constitution
The legal document that guides the Council on its decision-making processes
Code of Corporate Governance
The Code of Corporate Governance sets out our governance standards
Members Code of Conduct
Non-political standards of expected behaviour of members
People policies
Includes our equality, diversity and inclusion policy and modern slavery statement
Finance policies
Includes information on the Strategic Property Asset Management Framework and Councillor expenses
Health and safety policies
The Council's responsibilities and our commitment to them
Digital inclusion strategy
Our strategy to enable Norfolk residents to take full advantage of online services and technology
Data protection
Information about how we treat your personal information including cookies, data sharing agreements and how you can access information we hold on you
Whistleblowing policy
Reporting policy for activities that affect the Council or may put the public or colleagues at risk
Complaints policies and procedures
Includes our corporate complaints policy, unreasonably persistent complaints policy and FOI and EIR complaints procedure