Local Nature Recovery Strategy

What a Local Nature Recovery Strategy is

Local Nature Recovery Strategies in England are a new approach to restoring and protecting nature. They are part of a nationwide move to create space for nature to thrive. Local Nature Recovery Strategies will create a national Nature Recovery Network (NRN). They are a requirement of the Environment Act 2021.

They aim to identify opportunities and priorities for nature restoration across Norfolk and will consist of:

  • A habitat map showing where valuable areas for nature are currently located.
  • A statement of biodiversity priorities - a locally-agreed list of priority areas where new and improved habitats would bring the most benefit
  • A map of locations and actions showing where and how habitats can be created and connected, and how the wider environment and economy can benefit.

48 Local Nature Recovery Strategies are being created across the country over the next two years. Together, these will combine to form a national plan ensuring areas for nature are bigger, better and more connected, while providing a blueprint for the delivery of new duties and funding streams like Biodiversity Net Gain. 

How the strategy is funded

Funding to support the creation of Norfolk's Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) has been provided by The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

Contact us about the strategy

If you would like to contact us about Norfolk's LNRS, please email the delivery team on: naturalnorfolk@norfolk.gov.uk

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