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Payments to suppliers

We have published monthly spend data where invoice value exceeds £500. Spend is included in a particular month where payment was actually made that month.

The data includes Government Procurement Card transactions (of any value).

The data excludes payments where we are simply passing on money from one party to another. So for example, where we collect trade union subscriptions from employees through payroll and pass them on to the union concerned, this is not shown.

The data also excludes payment of taxes [VAT and employer's National Insurance], and payment of third party legal claims. However, irrecoverable VAT is shown where it applies.

For data protection reasons the name of the payee has been redacted (replaced with the phrase "Redacted - Personal data" where the payee is a private individual).


The data is taken from our Oracle Accounts Payable System and Barclaycard Management System.

We have not completed the following columns, for the reasons stated
ColumnTitleReason for leaving blank
5 and 6Service Category label and URIWe do not hold SerCop objective categories in the relevant system
18 and 19CPV label and URIWe do not hold CPV codes in the relevant system
20 and 21Proclass label and URIWe do not hold Proclass categories in our systems
We hope to include the following information in the future
9Supplier registered company numberWe only hold this for a minority of suppliers. We aim to include more suppliers in future.
Other notes
8Local supplier (beneficiary) internal referenceThis is not available for Government Procurement Card (GPC) spend
13Transaction numberThis is not available for GPC spend
14Net amountFor GPC spend only gross amount is available, and so is shown in a separate column
17Procurement classification: council's procurement category nameThis is not available for GPC spend

Our annual performance of payments in line with the Public Contracts Legislation 2015

Contracting authorities are required to publish performance data starting with their performance over financial year 2015/16 which will be published after March 2016 and then at the end of each financial year. The data will demonstrate their performance on paying in 30 days to first tier suppliers /prime contractors over the previous 12 months.

The statistics will be:

  1. Percentage of invoices paid within 30 days
  2. The amount of interest paid to suppliers due to late payment.

Additionally, it will be a requirement to publish the total amount of interest that the contracting authority was liable to pay, i.e. whether or not paid, whether statutory or otherwise, due to a breach of the Regulations. This figure must be published annually in relation to the previous 12-month period at the end of March 2017.

Public contracts legislation payments data
Financial yearProportion of valid and undisputed invoices paid within 30 days in accordance with regulation 113The amount of interest paid to suppliers due to a breach of the requirement in regulation 113The amount of interest that the contracting authority was liable to pay, ie whether or not paid, whether statutory or otherwise, due to a breach of the Regulations
2022-23 98.1% £0.00 £331,482.86 
2021-22 98.8% £0.00 £70,250.26 
2020-21 98.9% £66.84 £50,672.54 
2019-20 98.6% £187.84 £115,913.46


The data linked to below may be used in accordance with the terms of the Open Government Licence.

Data elsewhere on our site may be subject to other licensing conditions.

The open data is licensed 'as is' and the Council excludes all representations, warranties, obligations and liabilities in relation to the Information to the maximum extent permitted by law.

The Council is not liable for any errors or omissions in the data and shall not be liable for any loss, injury or damage of any kind caused by its use. The Council does not guarantee the continued supply of the Information.


We will aim to publish spend quarterly.

Further information

If you have a query arising from this data, email us at

Historical data

Historical data is available here.

From April 2012 Norfolk Pension Fund transactions are published within the Norfolk County Council report.

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