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Bus stops

There are more than 4,000 marked bus stops in Norfolk and around a further 2,000 unmarked stopping points, all of which are used by local bus operators.  As a minimum a marked bus stop consists of a pole and flag.

Bus stop locations and related street furniture, eg timetable information cases, bus stop poles and flags in Norfolk, are maintained by Norfolk County Council. Bus shelters are maintained by the parish, town, borough or city council for the area in which they are located. Those at Norwich bus station and the park and ride sites are maintained by Konectbus.

Providing and improving bus stops

Both Norfolk County Council (NCC) and bus operators can provide new stops on the highway. There is no requirement for NCC or bus operators to consult local residents.

Bus operators usually add new bus stops when they are developing new routes or encouraging the use of existing routes. Bus operators generally use existing street furniture, such as lighting columns, when making new stops.

Norfolk County Council can provide new bus stops at the request of the following stakeholders:

  • Parish or town council
  • NCC council member
  • Local bus operator

If you would like to request a new stop, please contact one or more of these stakeholders.

When we receive a request from a stakeholder, we need to ensure the new location:

  • Is safe
  • Fits the needs of the local community
  • Fits the needs of the bus operator

This process may include consulting with partners and stakeholders.


Moving bus stops

Bus stops need to be convenient and within easy reach for the people that use bus services and this means that they often have to be located outside residential properties.

When choosing a location for a bus stop, the first consideration is always the safety of all highway users.

We then consider access to the stop and the closeness of services and locations which will benefit the most people.

Finally we try to minimise disturbance to individual properties by siting stops on the boundary between properties or adjacent to gable ends, walls, hedges etc.

Sometimes we receive requests from residents asking us to move bus stops but we will only agree to do this when there are clear safety benefits in doing so.

If you are concerned that a bus stop is unsafe please get in touch with your town/parish council to outline your concerns.

Due to limited resources we can only investigate requests from city/borough/town or parish councils as this ensures that we are focusing our resources on issues which are of concern to the whole community.


Concerns about bus stops

Common concerns raised by residents include, littering, invasion of privacy, antisocial behaviour, emissions, and obstruction of access.


If passengers are disposing of rubbish on the road or in front gardens at bus stops then a bin can be requested from the Local councils.

Invasion of privacy

We are authorised to place bus stops on the public highway at appropriate locations.

We do our best to locate stops on the boundaries between properties and/or adjacent to walls, fences, hedges etc to minimise impact on adjacent properties.

There is no evidence to suggest that a bus stop outside a property decreases its value.


Bus operators, district councils and Norfolk County Council all have a role to play in reducing the impact of emissions from vehicles.

Bus operators have to comply with environmental regulations and are encouraged to replace stock with newer, less polluting vehicles or to retrofit emission reducing equipment to their existing buses.

Driver training can also reduce emissions through adopting a more environmental friendly driving style.

If you are concerned about the length of time a bus waits with the engine running, contact the bus operator directly.

Obstruction of access

The location of bus stops can sometimes mean that buses temporarily block driveways.

The majority of buses only stop 'on demand' and do not stop on every journey. When they do a bus typically stops for 1-2mins before continuing its journey.

If you are concerned about the length of time a bus waits with the engine running, contact the bus operator directly.


Bus shelters

Existing bus shelters in rural areas

In rural areas the majority of bus shelters are owned and maintained by the relevant parish or town council. 

If you want to report a problem with/or damage to a bus shelter, you need to contact your local parish/town council.


Existing bus shelters in urban areas

In Norwich, Great Yarmouth or King's Lynn, the responsibility for bus shelters lies with the local district, borough or city council. 

If the shelter has an advertising panel then it is maintained by Clearchannel.  These shelters have a unique number printed on their upper panel. If you want to report a problem with a Clearchannel bus shelter call their fault report line on 0800 731 3699.

If the shelter does not have an advertising panel, Local councils.

Bus shelters at the Norwich Park and Ride Sites and Norwich Bus Station are maintained by Konectbus.

Report a damaged bus shelter

Requests for new bus shelters

If you think that a bus shelter should be provided at your local bus stop contact your town or parish council.

If you live in Norwich, King's Lynn or Great Yarmouth, Local councils.

Norfolk County Council does not provide bus shelters, but we can help town/parish councils to do so by providing advice and assessing applications for bus shelters to be placed on the highway. In addition we can sometimes offer a grant towards the costs, but only when funding is available.


Printed information

Local bus operators are responsible for timetables at most of the county's bus stops. Norfolk County Council provides printed information at main bus stations including Norwich, King's Lynn, Great Yarmouth Market Gates and other market towns.

You can plan your journey online at Traveline.

Bus timetables and operators provide up-to-date information in a number of ways, including SMS, phone, web, printed booklets and electronic displays.


Live bus departure displays

Live bus departure displays are maintained by Norfolk County Council.

If you have problem to report or would like to comment on an electronic bus sign, email


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