Enforcement locations
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Name | Postcode | Description | Operating Hours | Authorised vehicles |
Albion Way | NR1 1WS | Operates in both directions | At any time | Buses, cycles, taxis, private hire, emergency vehicles on emergency business and statutory works vehicles |
Earlham Green Lane (Clover Hill Road Bowthorpe/West Earlham) | NR5 8RE | Operates in both directions | At any time | Buses, cycles, taxis, private hire and emergency vehicles on emergency business |
Grove Road (junction with Brazengate) | NR1 3QY | Operates in city bound direction only | 7.30am to 9.30am Monday to Fridays inclusive | Buses, cycles, taxis, private hire, emergency vehicles on emergency business and statutory works vehicles |
Humbleyard (Clover Hill Bowthorpe) | NR5 9BN | Operates in both directions | At any time | Buses, cycles, taxis, private hire, emergency vehicles on emergency business and statutory works vehicles |
Rampant Horse Street | NR1 3RZ | Operates in both directions | At any time | Buses, cycles, taxis, private hire, emergency vehicles on emergency business and statutory works vehicles |
St Stephens Street | NR1 3SH | Operates on city bound part of St Stephens Street only | At any time | Buses, cycles, taxis, private hire, emergency vehicles on emergency business, statutory works vehicles and goods vehicles |
Thorpe Road, Norwich | NR1 1RY | Operates in city bound direction only | At any time | Buses, cycles, taxis, private hire, emergency vehicles on emergency business and statutory works vehicles |
Overstrand Road, Cromer | NR27 0AH | Operates in west bound direction only | At any time | Buses, cycles, taxis, private hire and emergency vehicles on emergency business, statutory works vehicles and vehicles requiring access to the private off-street parking adjacent to the bus lane |
White Horse Lane / Stoke Road, Trowse | NR14 8SQ | Operates in north-east bound direction only | 8am to 9.30am Monday to Fridays inclusive | Buses, cycles, taxis, private hire, emergency vehicles on emergency business and statutory works vehicles |