Libraries for looked after children

Any child currently in care can be covered by the Corporate Guarantor Scheme.

This means that the Council, not the carer, will be responsible for overdue charges and the cost of replacing lost or damaged items for the children covered by the scheme.

No rental costs are covered, for example for games, DVDs or music.

Foster carers, social workers and residential care home workers can choose to be the guarantor for a child in care if they prefer, making them personally liable for any charges, or if the child is from outside Norfolk.

Any child without a guarantor can still have a 'Lite' library card, which lets them borrow two books.

How to sign a child up with the Corporate Guarantor

  • Visit a library in person and show your Carer ID Card
  • Say you want to register a young person under the Corporate Guarantor Scheme.  The young person doesn't need to be present and there is no need to mention that the child is looked after.
  • Give the child's name and date of birth

If the child in your care already has a library card you can still opt in to the Corporate Guarantor Scheme.  Just take the old card along and ask a librarian to update the details.

Once registered, the young person can use the library card in any Norfolk library, to borrow books or use the computers, until they are 16 regardless of whether they change placement or leave care.

If they lose their card, they can get a free replacement from any Norfolk library.  They don't need their carer with them.

You won't get overdue reminders or reservation collection notices if you're in the Corporate Guarantor Scheme, but you can check your online account for this information.

Foster carers

As well as an ordinary card, foster carers can also have a childminders card, which makes it free to borrow up to 25 children's items, including books, Story Sacks and Special Educational Needs resources for up to six weeks, with free reservations for items for children.

There is a collection of books for foster carers which is specifically aimed at supporting foster carers.  Some of the topics covered include: behaviour management, relaxation, attachment, life story work and adoption.  Books in the foster carers collection can be reserved free of charge and sent to any library or mobile library for collection. 

We also have a wider collection of books on bringing up children available as part of our Positive Parenting and Let's Talk About collections, available in all libraries, along with the Shelf Help Collection to support mental health and well being for young people over 13.

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