SEND essentials e-learning

This e-learning course has been designed to support the professional development of those who work, or are training, in the field of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). It gives learners a foundation knowledge and understanding of SEND for children and young people age 0 to 25-year-olds.

It is also a useful tool for parent carers and anyone interested in developing their knowledge and understanding of SEND.

The course includes assessments to demonstrate and reinforce learning, and there are links to further reading.

We are very happy for other local authority areas to use or adapt the SEND e-Learning to support their staff training and development, on condition that we may, in return, use or adapt any SEND resources from your local authority area.

Click the links below to access the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) e-learning modules:

Please note

  • This e-learning course is split into 8 modules which you can complete in any order you choose.
  • The modules are of different lengths, but the overall course should take up to 3 hours to complete.
  • Once you have completed the course, you can download a completion certificate (PDF, 171 KB) for your records

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