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Children waiting for adoption

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Every child is different, so the right adopter for one child may be the wrong adopter for another. This is why we are always looking for a wide range of new families. 

Some children thrive in a busy family with brothers or sisters, while others may need the special attention of being an only child.

We need adopters for children of all ages. We are particularly looking for adopters for brothers and sisters, toddlers and young children aged four and older, and children with disabilities.

Currently we have twenty five children waiting for adoption:

  • Eleven single children aged between under one and five years old
  • Seven sibling pairs aged between two and five years old


Robert is a three-year-old sweet little boy who has blonde hair, blue eyes and a lovely smile. Robert is currently meeting all his developmental milestones and there are no concerns with his physical health. Robert has been a Looked After Child since May 2021. Robert has settled well and has made lots of progress, but he takes time to trust new adults. Robert is very affectionate to his carers and loves to give them cuddles. He sometimes displays big emotions; however, these big emotions are starting to happen less frequently. Roberts birth parents both have struggled with addiction and Robert witnessed domestic abuse before moving to foster care. Robert attends nursery two days a week where he is settled, and loves exploring their outside area and enjoys playing with playdough. Robert loves dinosaurs and making them stomp, he also very proudly knows all the dinosaur names.


Freddie is 5 years old and he has settled well in his placement. His carers describe him as an adorable little boy, he is funny, and has us laughing every day. He's loving, has a lot of empathy and is very energetic and will keep you on your toes. Freddie needs a lot of love, care, nurture and understanding and you will reap the rewards. He likes playing in the garden on his trampoline, his balance bike, his scooter or his sandpit. He likes playing with his cars and his garage. Freddie likes having stories read to him and doing puzzles. He likes animals and is kind and caring to them. He likes lots of cuddles. Freddie has some developmental and sensory needs which brings a degree of uncertainty for him.

Paul and Leo

Paul and Leo are full siblings who have always lived together. They have been in the care of the Local Authority since 5/9/2021. Paul has settled well in his new placement and is making positive progress at school. Paul is a delightful little boy. He is super outgoing and friendly; he loves to socialise with both adults and children and is known for asking lots of questions about anything and everything. Paul enjoys swimming and riding his bike without stabilisers. Leo has settled very well and able to explore his environment. He is a speedy little crawler and is now able to pull himself up on furniture to standing, much to Paul's dismay as he can now disrupt Paul's games. Leo is a happy smiley little boy, who engages well with familiar adults. Leo really enjoys attending toddler group with his carer twice a week. Leo does have some developmental delay, but it is felt that this is due to the early trauma he experienced.

Jude and Billy

Jude and Billy are active brothers who have a love of the outside. Jude is imaginative and creative at storytelling and Billy is funny and has a great sense of humour. The boys are both developmentally delayed and have various health needs, however, are thriving in their foster placement and at school.


Sam is nearly one and full of fun and adventure. He has made great progress in foster care and has a love of the outside and his toy cars. Sam is described as 'on the go all day' and is curious about the world around him.


Lane (4 years) is a very sweet and active boy who loves being outdoors. He can be very friendly and loves to play outside, riding on his scooter, jumping on the trampoline or going swimming. He is inquisitive of new things around him and has a desire to learn new things. Lane requires adopters who are open to maintaining direct contact with Lane's siblings who will be placed independently from Lane. Prospective adopters will need to understand developmental trauma and have capacity to be therapeutic parents. Lane likes to have predictable routines; these help him to feel safe.


Georgia has been with her current foster carers since February 2022 when she was just 14 days old She has settled well in her placement and has made good progress. Georgia is slowly meeting her developmental milestones. Her carer describes her as a very happy little girl, she is so smiley, and content... Georgia enjoys anything musical and will dance along to the tune with the biggest smile, she enjoys being around adults and children. Georgia has a degree of medical uncertainty after being born with Congenital Ventriculomegaly which affects the ventricles of the brain and can cause fluid build-up and a large head, this continues to be monitored.


Theo (3 years) has been described as a bright and happy child who likes to smile lots and has a good sense of humour. Theo likes to play and explore; he particularly likes outdoor play. Theo absolutely loves his diggers, he has lots of toy diggers, trains and cars. Theo can at times present as very sad and unhappy too, sometimes when there are no obvious triggers for this. Theo requires adopters who could support attuned time together. Theo needs to be the only child in placement. Theo requires adopters who will support Theo maintaining relationships with his siblings who will be placed independently of Theo. Prospective adopters need to be trauma informed and have capacity to be therapeutic parents.

Jess and Ricky

Jess (4) and Ricky (3) are brother and sister with different personalities. Jess is sunny and chatty and loves to give big smiles. Ricky is happy and quiet; he likes to play with what interests him, sometimes alongside his sister but happily on his own too. Both children need a home together, where they can be loved and develop their own interests and be supported to continue to develop. They both attend nursery which they enjoy and carers say they are rewarding to care for.

Imogen and Amber

Imogen (2) and Amber (1) are bright and bubbly blonde little girls with big blue eyes and lots of love for each other. Nursery rhymes are both their favourite music and they love to sing along with you! Imogen is very nearly 3 years old and has started to go to nursery where she is coming along well and starting to learn more words. Amber is not-quite-2 and is learning fast at home and might start nursery in 2024. They both love to play with their toy kitchen and their dollies, and sleep in their own bedrooms at the moment.


Sara and John's adoption story

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