Report Blue Badge misuse

Blue Badge holders can park in places other drivers can't.

The Blue Badge is linked to a person rather than to a vehicle, so it can be used with any car, including taxis and hire cars that the holder is driving, or travelling in as a passenger.

We investigate reports of Blue Badge misuse on public roads across Norfolk. This means on-street parking only.  Off-street car parks, such as those provided in local authority, hospital or supermarket car parks are owned and run by separate organisations.  Please do not report any issues that take place in these car parks to us, instead please report them to the company that owns the site.

A vehicle parked in a marked and signed 'Disabled' bay, on a public road, and is not displaying a Blue Badge commits a Penalty Charge Notice offence. This should be reported, at the time, to the relevant City, District or Borough Council parking team for the area and is NOT Blue Badge misuse.

Use the form below to report when you have noticed that:

  • A badge is being used by a third party and the person who the badge is issued to was not part of that journey
  • The badge holder did not enter or leave the vehicle from the place where it was parked, meaning someone else used the badge
  • An expired badge was displayed
  • An altered or fake badge was displayed

To efficiently deal with an offender Enforcement Officers ideally need to witness the offence.  It is helpful if you tell us about a pattern of misuse such as times, days and location. Photographs of the Blue Badge displayed, giving a clear view of the badge details, and the car it is in are very useful.

Report Blue Badge misuse

Please note, we may not be able to reply to you directly.

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