Register a death
Deaths must be registered in person by appointment at a registration office.
You should register the death within five days of a Medical Examiner's Office or Coroner advising you to register.
You should only book to register if you have been told to do so by a Medical Examiner's Office or the Coroner has advised you to register.
We ask that you nominate a funeral director before the appointment.
You should only book to register if you have been told to do so by a Medical Examiner's Office or the Coroner has advised you to register.
Booking an appointment before a Medical Examiner's Office or the Coroner has advised to do so leads to wasted appointments. This impacts on the timely registration of all deaths.
To book a death registration appointment call us on 0344 800 8020 or book your appointment online.
To complete the appointment, you will need to provide the registrar with the following information:
- Date and place of death
- Full name of the person who has died, and any previous or maiden names where appropriate
- Date and place of birth of the person who has died
- Occupation (prior to retirement if applicable) and usual address of the person who has died
- If the person who has died was married or in a civil partnership, details of the deceased's most recent spouse or legal civil partner including:
- Their full name
- Their date of birth
- Their most recent occupation and whether they're retired
If the deceased was receiving any pension, other than a state pension, please tell the registration officer.
Download full details of what you'll need to provide (Word doc, 61 KB).
Having the correct information to hand will help ensure that the official record of the death is accurate and true. If you need to apply for a correction to a completed register entry you may need to pay a fee depending on the type of error. To minimise the risk of errors it can help if you have available documents which show the deceased's name, date of birth and usual address.
Examples of the most useful documents (if they can easily be found) are passport, driving licence, birth certificate, deed poll, marriage/civil partnership certificates, a council tax bill, recent utility bill etc. Please note that finding/having these for the appointment is not mandatory.
It is also helpful for the person who registers the death to bring a document, or documents, which show their name and address (such as a driving licence). This is to again help with the accuracy of the registration.
We will process a range of information in order to complete this registration. View our information and privacy notice.
If you need to cancel an appointment, contact us as soon as possible.
At the appointment you can purchase as many full death certificates as you need. They cost £12.50 each - payable at the time of registration. Please note we don't take cash or cheques and cannot accept payments from American Express. We accept all other means of contactless payment. You can also order certificates online after your appointment.
We will email the Green Form (Certificate for Burial or Cremation) to your appointed funeral director and in some cases the place of burial or cremation. In some circumstances this form will be issued direct from the Coroner. Please note, if the place of burial or cremation is not known at the time of the registration, we will retain this form until your appointed funeral director notifies us where this will be.
We will give you a leaflet explaining how to use the GOV.UK Tell Us Once service (opens new window), which lets you tell various local and central government organisations of the death in one go. You can view a British Sign Language Video about Tell Us Once on the Department for Work and Pensions YouTube channel.
All the above will be clearly explained to you during the registration.
If the death occurred in Norfolk you should attend one of our registration offices to register the death. View the list of Norfolk registration offices.
If you live outside of Norfolk and travelling to us would be difficult you can book an appointment to make a declaration at any registration office in England or Wales. They will take from you all the information for the registration and send this to us. We will then produce all death certificates and email paperwork to the funeral director; there may be a delay in receiving these. Please contact your local register office to arrange this. Find your local register office on GOV.UK.
If the death occurred outside of Norfolk and travelling to the register office where the death occurred would be difficult for you, you may make a 'declaration of the death' at one of our offices if you, the informant, lives in Norfolk. This will be sent to the district where the death occurred. The receiving district will produce all death certificates and paperwork for the funeral director; there may be a delay in receiving these. Please contact us to book an appointment with us to register by declaration. We will need to discuss your individual circumstances and available paperwork prior to you attending an appointment.
Find the correct register office on GOV.UK (opens new window).
There are several people who can legally register a death including:
- A spouse or legal civil partner
- A relative (by blood, marriage, legal civil partnership, or adoption)
- A partner (a person is the partner of a deceased person if the two of them were living as partners in an enduring relationship at the time of the deceased person's death).
- A person present at the death
- A senior member of the establishment (such as a nursing home) in which the death occurred
- The occupier of the residence where the death occurred
- The person arranging the funeral
- A personal representative (a person appointed by and acting on behalf of the family, for example a solicitor, family friend or funeral director)
If you have any questions on who can register, contact us on 0344 800 8020.
To make a change or a correction to a death registration and certificate contact us and you will be directed to a full-time office.
You may need to pay a fee, depending on the type of error that needs correcting.