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Capacity Tracker

Capacity Tracker is a web-based digital insight tool. NECS created it in partnership with NHS England and later other core health and social care organisations.

It enables care providers to share vacancy and other critical information in real time. The Capacity Tracker is for care providers such as:

  • Care homes
  • Community rehabilitation
  • Substance misuse
  • Home/domiciliary care
  • Hospice providers

Care provider data updates

All adult social care providers must provide information about:

  • Themselves
  • Their activities in connection with adult social care provision in England
  • The people they provide adult social care to

This is in line with section 277A of the Health and Car Act 2022.

There is a mandated collection of data that all adult social care providers (regulated by Care Quality Commission (CQC)) must regularly update and submit through the Capacity Tracker.

The Capacity Tracker gathers this data monthly. Care providers must update the Capacity Tracker with the required data within the designated reporting window.

Data reporting window

The reporting window is 7 days. This is between the 8th and 14th day of every month.

If the 14th day of the month is a weekend or public holiday, you must submit your data by the next working day.

Visit the GOV.UK website for further information about adult social care provider information provisions.

Update your data now (opens new window)

User information

  • Capacity Tracker recommends that you have multiple registered Capacity Tracker users. This is to ensure that you have enough cover in times of absence. Register for a Capacity Tracker account online.
  • You cannot access Capacity Tracker outside of the UK
  • Active care providers with no service users or no staff must still submit data. This may be if your services have not yet started, they have stopped or you are being updated with CQC. You should submit a 'nil' return.
  • Active dual-registered providers offering home care and residential care must submit data for both services. This may include a 'nil' return if you are not delivering one of the services.
  • You should update Capacity Tracker in line with any change of staff. Close user accounts for leaving staff and register new accounts for new starters.
  • Capacity Tracker uses CQC information about provider regulated services, specialisms and bed capacity. If there are any changes to these you must update CQC and submit a 'nil' return on Capacity Tracker until the CQC information updates.
  • Your care provision may be closing down, no longer active or changing registration or ownership. In this case notify CQC directly to de-register. You should submit a 'nil' return on Capacity Tracker until the CQC information updates.
  • If you receive an enforcement notice from the NHS business services authority (NHS BSA) you must respond to the NHS BSA directly

Contact the Capacity Tracker team

For further information, support or a demonstration:

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