Request a home fire safety visit

Elderly woman sat in a chair in her home

Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service (NFRS) offer free home fire safety visits (HFSV). These are for Norfolk residents who have a heightened fire risk. For example, you may have a disability that could make it more difficult to react to a fire.

Find out if you're eligible for a home fire safety visit

The first step is to complete the online home fire safety check. If you qualify for a visit, the online form will ask you:

  • To fill in your contact details
  • If you're happy for NFRS to have your details

If you fill in these details and submit, we will contact you to schedule a HFSV.

You can also complete the online home fire safety check on behalf of someone else.

Complete the online home fire safety check

Free smoke alarms

If you are eligible for an HFSV, we will assess your requirements for smoke alarms during the home visit. Depending on our assessment, we may fit them for you for free.

If you are not eligible for an HFSV, we strongly recommend that you:

  • Buy smoke alarms
  • Fit at least one smoke alarm on every floor of your home

 Learn more about how to buy, install and check smoke alarms.

Fire safety advice and guidance

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