Apply for a licence to hold legal civil ceremonies at your venue

If you would like to hold legal marriage and civil partnership ceremonies at your venue, you need to apply for a licence. Please read the information on this page before submitting your new or renewal application.

Renew or amend your venue licence

If you are already licensed as a marriage and civil partnership venue, you can renew your licence if your current licence expires within 12 months. Email  to discuss renewing your licence. 

New applications

Please send an overview of your plans, including photos of the proposed ceremony rooms to

We will then review and advise on the application process. We will not book any ceremonies until the venue is approved and the licence has been issued.   


To hold a marriage ceremony or civil partnership at a venue in Norfolk the venue must be licensed by Norfolk County Council.  To apply for a licence, you must be the proprietor or a trustee of the venue.

The application must include:

  • The name and address of the applicant and responsible person
  • Floor plans with the ceremony locations clearly identified
  • A copy of the current Fire Risk Assessment that complies with the Fire Safety Order 2005. The risk assessment must be dated within one calendar year.

How much does it cost?

  • Three year licence - £1,810
  • Five year licence - £2,600

Licences cover two rooms/locations.  Any additional rooms/locations will cost £150 each.

After an application has been made

Regulation summary

Application evaluation process

A public notice of the application will be placed on this website for 21 days as part of a public consultation process.

You may require a Public Entertainment or other licence from the District Council wherein the premises reside.  You will need to contact the District Council to ascertain any requirements they might have.

The Fire Service will visit the venue and inspect your risk assessment, and approve this or make recommendations where necessary.

Please note - conditions may be imposed on your licence approval.

We will email the grant of approval (licence) and other documents to you upon approval.

Tacit consent

Tacit consent will not apply.

It is in the public interest that we process your application before it can be granted.  Contact us if you have not heard from us within a reasonable period.

Application redress

You have the right to seek a review of our refusal of your application and the right to seek a review of our imposition of conditions, refusal to renew, or revocation of approval.

You must deliver your request for review to the Proper Officer for the Registration and Ceremony Service at: The Archive Centre, County Hall, Martineau Lane, Norwich, NR1 2DQ or by email to

Public objection to an application

If you object to an application for premises approval you may give notice to the Proper Officer for the Registration and Ceremony Service at: The Archive Centre, County Hall, Martineau Lane, Norwich, NR1 2DQ or by email to within 21 days of the notice of application appearing on this website. 

Public complaint with a licensed venue

If you have a complaint you should contact the venue first, preferably by letter with proof of delivery.

If that has not worked and you live in the UK, the Citizens Advice website (opens new window) can give you advice.  From outside the UK, contact the UK European Consumer Centre (opens new window).

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