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Frequently asked questions

Bus transport

Can I change buses for my child?

If we're already providing a service which meets all the requirements - for example the bus stop is within the distance criteria - then we have no obligation to swap buses.

However, if there's an alternative bus with space, then we'll try to accommodate your request. There's a £13 administration fee to swap buses.

No requests to move buses will be actioned in August and September as these are our busiest times of the year, unless we have wrongly allocated your child to a bus that does not meet the criteria above.

Will I get a new bus pass every year?

Most students are issued a long-term pass valid for their entire time at school and will not receive a new pass each year. Please check the expiry date on your pass before discarding it because if it has not expired you will have to pay for a replacement.

Post-16 students will receive passes more frequently, depending on the chosen payment method.

What if my child's bus does not arrive? 

Students should wait at the bus stop for 30 minutes before returning home. Please contact the school, Travel and Transport or the bus operator to find out what has happened to your bus.

Your child is your responsibility while they are waiting at the bus stop, so if your child is vulnerable please ensure they have someone to contact if they need help.

My child has received their bus pass but it expires at Easter. Why is this?

Where school contracts are due to be reviewed in the coming year, those who receive a short term pass may see an Easter expiry date. Students will automatically receive a new pass for the summer term.

Will siblings always be allocated to the same bus?

We'll do our best to allocate siblings to the same transport. However, there may be occasions where this has not happened due to capacity or it has been missed due to the volume of transport we have to plan.

Unfortunately requests to swap vehicles in August and September will not be a priority.

When will my child's bus pass be sent out?

For students beginning school in September, bus passes will be sent out over the summer holidays to arrive in time for the new term.

How will I know the details of the bus service my child will be using, such as bus number and timetable?

Full details will be sent with the bus pass explaining how you can access your specific school bus timetable which will show collection points and times.

I don't feel my child could use a large school bus. Would a smaller vehicle like a taxi be ok?

Transport may be provided in smaller vehicles if it has been assessed that the pupil has a specific difficulty or disability that prevents them from travelling safely using bus or train services. We'll ask for professional third-party medical evidence if it is not apparent from our records what the issues are. 

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