Adult Learning safeguarding

If you are a learner with Adult Learning and you are worried about your safety, or someone else's, you can contact Adult Learning's dedicated safeguarding team on 0344 800 8005 or email - they will respond to you.

If you have a safeguarding concern that is not related to Adult Learning, please contact Norfolk County Council on 0344 800 8020 and select option 1.

Our commitment to safeguarding

At Adult Learning we take our safeguarding responsibilities very seriously. We strive to ensure that all people using our buildings and services are safe from all forms of harm. Our commitment is to provide the best and safest environment possible, so learners can succeed and staff feel secure.

It's everyone's responsibility to:

  • Respect each other's right to feel safe
  • Treat each other fairly and with respect
  • Not to threaten, hurt or abuse others in any way

Learner safety online

A lot of our learners are not in a physical classroom right now but safeguarding is still important. We must all be aware of what to do if we are worried about our safety. Visit Get Safe Online for advice about internet security, how to stay safe online and cyberbullying.


We have a legal responsibility to ensure that our learners are protected from being drawn into radicalisation, violent extremism and terrorism. For this reason, we actively promote the values of openness and tolerance and we embed British values in all our courses. British values are not about 'being British'. They are the values that form the basis of our way of life in Britain today:

  • Democracy
  • The rule of law
  • Individual liberty
  • Mutual respect
  • Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs, and for those without faith

Our tutors will ensure that you have an understanding of the ways that extremism can present itself. They will ensure you know the current emerging threats both locally and within our county, so that you are well informed and able to recognise key signs of potential radicalisation.

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Adult Learning policies and procedures

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