Information for homeowners

As a homeowner there are certain steps you can take to protect your home.

The pages below provide hints and tips on how you can protect your home, implement sustainable drainage and conserve water.

Flooding emergencies

If there is any risk of danger to people, property or the environment from floodwater you should not hesitate to ring 999. 

Read our advice on dealing with flooding emergencies.

If you think that water is coming from a sewer or water mains, call Anglian Water on 0800 771 881 straight away.


Living next to a watercourse

If you own land next to a watercourse, you are a riparian owner and have responsibilities and rights

Consent for work on ordinary watercourses

You need to apply for consent for works that affect the flow of an ordinary watercourse

Private sewage systems

Sewage systems that are not owned and maintained by Anglian Water

Property protection

Information for property owners on flood protection and sustainable drainage

Water conservation

Steps you can take to reduce the amount of water wasted

Flood protection grants

Eligible households can apply for a grant of up to £5,000

Flood risk asset register

A register of structures or features that are likely to have a significant effect on a flood risk in its area

Floods and safety

Flooding safety advice and what to do in a flood

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