Pothole action fund

In April 2016 the Government confirmed details of the 'Pothole action fund' which allocated money to local authorities to be spent on fixing potholes or the prevention of potholes. This fund is now shown in the current spending review period to 2020-21 but may be varied in size due to additional announcements by government.


In February and March 2018 the Government announced details of the 'Pothole action fund', which allocated money to local authorities to be spent on fixing potholes or the prevention of potholes.

We intend to spend these funds in 2018-19. The two awards, £1,735,949 and £3,448,743, total £5,184,692.

Our capital structural maintenance budget prior to the announcement of the pothole fund was £32,340,000 consisting of:

  • £23,043,000 Structural maintenance Grant (DfT)
  • £4,837,000 incentive fund (DfT)
  • £1,065,000 County Council (NCC)
  • £941,000 Capital integrated transport grant directed by NCC to structural maintenance
    £65,000 Local Growth Fund (LEP)
    = £28,886,000
    + £5,184,692 Pothole action fund
    = £34,070,692

This funding has enabled additional spending divided between:

  • Patching/pothole repair £2,262,500
  • Surfacing at 31 surfacing locations totalling £2,922,192 approximately five miles in length

View the pothole fund surfacing scheme list (PDF, 36 KB)

This is in addition to the £7m we had already allocated to patching and potholes, and £2.173m to road resurfacing schemes, from other funding.

Additional funding announced in November 2018

The autumn budget included a new announcement of £420 million in the 2018/19 financial year for local highways maintenance, including the repair of potholes, to keep local bridges and structures open and safe, as well as to help aid other minor highway works that may be needed. Norfolk's allocation was £12,694,000.

We spent this in the following way:

  • £6,000,000 resurfacing
  • £250,000 footways/shared use
  • £925,000 small scale repairs i.e. drainage and signs
  • £1,675,000 patching/potholes
  • £2,300,000 Fen Road repairs
  • £750,000 surface dressing
  • £686,000 (additional contributions to existing surfacing schemes)
  • £108,000 (additional contributions to existing footways schemes)
  • £12,694,000

This took our overall spending to £46,764,692.

The £6,000,000 spent on resurfacing enabled the completion of an additional 37 surfacing schemes totalling 16.4 miles (26.4km).

View list of additional surfacing schemes (Excel doc, 14 KB)

This work was completed in the 3 months, January, February and March 2019.

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