
Children and young people partnerships

Includes Children and Young People Strategic Alliance, Norfolk Area SEND Multi Agency steering group and Norfolk Youth Justice Service

Multi-agency safeguarding hub (MASH)

A partnership of many organisations who work together to safeguard adults and children in Norfolk. Includes information for professionals who work with MASH

Diversity and community cohesion partnerships

Includes Gypsies, Roma and Travellers and the Norfolk Armed Forces Covenant

Health partnerships

Includes Health and Wellbeing Board and Integrated Care Partnership

Adult social care partnerships

Includes information on our co-production and engagement work with partners and people who use our services, and other partner organisations

Business partnerships

Includes Citizens Advice consumer service, Norfolk Office of Data and Analytics, Norfolk Business Board, and Norfolk Resilience Forum

Crime and disorder partnerships

Includes Norfolk Police and Crime Panel and Norfolk Community Safety Partnership

Norfolk Strategic Planning Member Forum

The forum oversees the production of the Norfolk Strategic Planning Framework document on behalf of all the local planning authorities in Norfolk

Natural environment partnerships

Includes Norfolk Strategic Flooding Alliance, coast protection partnerships and Norfolk Local Access Forum (NLAF)

Voluntary and community organisations partnerships

Support for and working with local voluntary and community groups

Community hubs

New community hubs for Great Yarmouth, King's Lynn and Hunstanton

Parish Partnership Scheme

How parish and town councils can submit bids for highway improvements, with some suggested funding sources

Norfolk Arts Forum

A free-to-join member organisation promoting interest in and access to the arts in Norfolk

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