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Norfolk's digital inclusion strategy


November 2021

Over the past 18 months the pace of change and embedding of digital services has surged forward. At the same time, the impact of digital exclusion has been keenly felt by those who are disproportionately affected. In many cases this has widened inequalities that already existed.

Across the nation, 1.2 million more people gained basic internet abilities during the pandemic. Others have become more isolated. They're less able to access key services and struggle with elements of everyday life such as shopping and banking. It's estimated in the UK there are more than 7 million (11%) adults without basic internet skills.

In Norfolk we're proud of how we've supported residents to become more digitally included. We've provided both access and skills.

This strategy takes the key learnings from the last 18 months and shapes a strategic plan that develops and embeds digital inclusion further.

This strategy aims to supports the outcomes of Together for Norfolk. This is by enabling our residents to:

  • Have digital skills for work
  • Engage with their communities and local resources
  • Thrive in today's digital world

Our vision and strategic themes

Our vision is:

"Every Norfolk resident is provided with the appropriate digital access opportunities to meet their needs and enable them to be digitally included in all aspects of their lives"

We'll achieve the vision by:

  • Working in partnership to target activity and make best use of resources
  • Enabling universal access to connectivity in the county
  • Supporting access to devices and equipment
  • Increasing digital skills and confidence in key cohorts
  • Developing the skills of our staff to understand how to support residents to access and use technology to improve their lives

You'll find out more about these strategic themes in the following pages.

Barriers to access

People may experience one or more of these barriers to access digital opportunities:


  • Cannot afford a device
  • The cost of broadband or data is prohibitive

Skills or capability

  • Cannot use online and digital services, set up a device or choose a broadband supplier
  • Digital and information literacy skills


  • Worried about scams and fraud
  • Struggle to know where to start

Motivation or fear

  • Not motivated to use digital services, don't think they are for them or have no perceived benefits

Access to services

  • More challenging barriers to access such as rurality, disability and complex needs

Recent Digital Inclusion Highlights

Supporting connectivity

  • 6000 laptops were provided to digitally excluded children through the 'Every Child Online' campaign
  • 1000 families were supported with devices and/or connectivity via the Norfolk Assistance Scheme
  • 300 devices were provided to the voluntary, community or social enterprise (VCSE) sector to support Norfolk residents to get online


  • Staying healthy - NHS Connect: NHS funded, device gifting with library wrap-around support was given to patients referred with longer term conditions. This covered two projects - patients with cancer and those with mild mental health problems
  • Norwich Good Economy Commission funding: extra funding was given to families on low income, improving their money management and online skills
    Libraries online shopping phone support provided for online library services during the Covid-19 pandemic
  • NHS Accelerated Digital Transformation funding provided for the Digital Health Hub, linked to the Good Things Foundation: Better Health Outcomes

Adult Learning

  • We have supported 7,000 learners online in 2020/21 with formal qualifications and courses to support mental health and wellbeing

Adult Social Care

  • Technology Enabled Care (TEC) Lending Library - Adult Social Care, the Innovation Team and Norfolk Libraries are piloting a new approach to loan care support devices to people to build knowledge, confidence and skills in using digital technology.
  • Alzheimer Cooperative Valuation in Europe (ALCOVE) project - Adult Social Care and the Innovation Team are supporting day service users with Video Care phones. These are simple devices for people with no or low digital skills that allow them to access video calls.

Working in partnership

Strong partnerships are in place including data sharing to target proactive interventions. This includes the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) and private sectors.

We've built on existing work with the NHS to identify specific groups of people who are most likely to benefit from digital inclusion. We can target the most appropriate support to them.

Norfolk is ready to harness any national funding for digital inclusion as a system. This is so we can make the most efficient and effective use of any funding available.

Our well communicated support pathways mean that VCSE, system partners and businesses can easily find help and opportunities for people with multiple inequalities. This means they can become digitally included and access services and support that improve their lives.

Strategic plan: what we will do

Work in partnership

Continue to work in partnership across the system to identify target groups and map county wide assets to jointly offer support. We will use this to develop a single picture of digital exclusion for the county alongside additional Experian Public Sector Mosaic analysis to provide an evidence base for future work.

We aim to have the ability to identify who is digitally excluded specifically by April 2022.

Maximise funding opportunities and investment

Maximise funding opportunities and inward investment to Norfolk. This involves raising awareness of grants and schemes that aid digital inclusion and ensuring that Norfolk people benefit from national funding. Nurture a collaborative approach to bidding for this funding in Norfolk.

We aim to increase inward investment to support digital inclusion by 25% by April 2023.

Clear support pathways

Create clear, communicated pathways of support that enable wider professionals and the voluntary sector to connect people with digital inclusion support as part of their trusted relationship (for example, midwives, health visitors and social care teams).
We aim for 80% of people to report that it is simple to find the help they need by April 2023.

Targeted communications and engagement

A targeted communications and engagement plan that raises awareness and motivates people to become digitally included, understand what is available to them and how they can access it. We will also:

  • Communicate with people the ways that they can stay safe online
  • Build confidence among those at risk of exclusion that there is help and support available at every step of the way

We aim to complete a communications and engagement plan by April 2022.

Enhance connectivity in Norfolk

Further enhance connectivity in Norfolk by building our strategic relationships with providers, ensuring that as many Norfolk residents as possible can access fast, reliable and affordable broadband.
96% of Norfolk people currently have access to 'superfast' or better broadband and over 70% of households take it up. We aspire to 100% availability and 100% take up. We will monitor and report on progress.

Enabling universal access to connectivity

The outcome we seek is that key groups of people can access affordable broadband. This could be through:

  • Support in understanding broadband packages and how to choose the best one for them
  • Help with access to low cost and free options. This includes free MiFi dongles and subsidised broadband packages where it's appropriate to do so.

We continue to roll out the Better Broadband for Norfolk programme and Project Gigabit. This enables nearly all Norfolk residents to access fast, reliable broadband. It enables small businesses to operate effectively and support people to work from home.

Connectivity with devices to digitally-excluded children means they can keep up with their peers in education. This will also give them the digital skills needed for an ever changing workplace.

People have the connectivity needed to find employment or career progression. Being online means people can access savings and benefits such as energy switching, online shopping and education. They can also get information and advice that supports wider life chances and wellbeing.

Strategic plan: what we will do

Provide connectivity

We will provide subsidised and free connectivity through the Norfolk Assistance Scheme to provide broadband and/or mobile connectivity to selected cohorts, facilitating access to employment and social inclusion opportunities.

We will also offer MiFi dongles through our library networks and schools. This is to enable people to test and try connectivity and build their confidence to invest in the longer term or use the connectivity for specific tasks such as finding a job or studying for exams.

We aim for 80% of people supported with free or subsidised connectivity to report that it enabled them to find a job or improve their life chances.

We aim to have 1000 Norfolk people supported with free or subsidised connectivity by April 2024.

Understand connectivity options

Through Norfolk Libraries and Adult Learning, we will help Norfolk residents to understand their available broadband and connectivity options and what might work best for them. This will be underpinned by the option of borrowing a MiFi dongle to 'try before you buy'.

Digital programmes of learning will include information about purchasing and understanding broadband packages.

We aim for 90% of those supported to tell us that they feel inspired to use technology more in their everyday lives.

We aim to embed this in learning programmes by the start of the 2022 academic year.

Connectivity for children and young people

We provide free devices to children and young people most at risk of digital exclusion. We will also provide the connectivity they need to benefit fully from their new device.
We aim to provide connectivity support to all children and young people who need it.

Supporting access to devices and equipment

Our outcome is to provide free and refreshed devices for target groups, enabling people to access hardware they wouldn't otherwise be able to afford. This supports them to learn, progress their careers and become socially included.

We can address health inequalities by removing the barriers to accessing digital services with devices and face-to-face support. This helps people to access vital health and support services. In turn this reduces social isolation and reduces or delays further support needs as a result.

Assistive technology loan libraries provide opportunities to trial assistive technology. Staff who understand the benefits and application will guide library users. It allows people to maintain or increase independence, employment opportunities and improve wellbeing.

People will be able to borrow devices from libraries so they can 'try before they buy'. It builds confidence and a desire to learn more. Wraparound support helps them learn how to get the most from their device.

Strategic plan: what we will do

Distributing devices

Information Management Technology (IMT) will refurbish and distribute devices across Norfolk, both Norfolk County Council (NCC) refreshed equipment and devices from other large public and private sector Norfolk organisations. We will target these devices at schools, digitally excluded and low-income adults, and voluntary, community or social enterprise (VCSE) organisations. Our Libraries and a team of digital support volunteers will provide wrap around troubleshooting support.

We aim for 80% of those supported to say that receiving a device has made a significant positive impact. We also aim to provide 1,000 devices to people annually.

Borrowing devices

We will put in place a loan device suite in Libraries and schools, where people can borrow a device, try it, build their confidence. They can get early help so that they can "try before they buy". This takes the risk out of accessing digital devices and services.

We aim for 80% of those who receive this support offer to say that they have become more confident using digital services.

Assistive technology loans

Libraries will provide assistive tech loans. This will allow Norfolk residents, carers, and care providers to test equipment that may help them or those they care for, and get help and advice. This support will help people to stay independent and connected in their homes, improve their wellbeing and access services that support their wider health and care needs.

We aim for 80% of those provided with an assistive tech loan to say it made a difference to their lives by reducing their support needs or helping them to stay independent.

Business support

Support small businesses and new startups to be sustainable in the digital world. We will provide simple to access support from the Business and Intellectual Property Centres run by Norfolk Libraries. Adult Learning will provide wrap around training courses, including social media for business and e-commerce. We will further embed support for small businesses with the Go Digital project roll out of a free business support programme for micro, small and medium sized businesses in Norfolk.

We aim to support 600 businesses through Go Digital.

Creative digital technology

Develop the use of creative digital technologies by increasing the reach and regularity of events like 'Digifest'. Inspire young people to enter a career in digital creative industries.
This target is under development.

Increasing digital skills

Our aim is that people:

  • Know how to get online and stay safe online
  • Avoid scams and cyber abuse
  • Are more confident using digital services as a result

It should be easy to access support in using digital devices and services. This includes signposting and referral to courses, plus face-to-face support from libraries and volunteers.

Through training, flexible learning opportunities and embedding digital skills, people should gain the skills, equipment and connectivity needed to find employment or career progession.

We also want people to enjoy the opportunities of online services such as switching services and online deals. It will also reduce social isolation by being able to connect with others online.

Strategic plan: what we will do

Digital skills opportunities

Adult Learning will provide enhanced and supported digital skills learning opportunities, targeted at Libraries, schools, the Norfolk Assistance Scheme and the voluntary, community or social enterprise (VCSE) sector. This will include implementing a simple referral pathway for staff and the VCSE sector to get people the help they need.

We aim to support 1000 Adult Learners with digital skills courses in 2 years.

Digital learning programmes

Adult Learning and Norfolk Libraries will continue to embed entry level and beyond digital learning programmes, giving people a range of opportunities to build their digital skills into their personal development journey.

We aim for 80% of those who received support to say that it was relevant to their needs.

Volunteer recruitment

We will recruit volunteers to work with Norfolk residents one-to-one to understand barriers to access and help them get online, answer their questions, connect them to support and be a trusted source of help.

We aim to recruit and train at least 100 volunteers by October 2023 (at least two per library).

Online safety

Ensure Norfolk residents, including children, can stay safe online and understand how to avoid scams, cyber abuse and exploitation.

We aim for 90% of those who receive a device to take part in some form of wider skills development to stay safe online.

Norfolk Libraries offer

Continue and build on our libraries offer to engage residents in digital services. For example, coding clubs, get online groups and friendship brokerage using online communication tools to support residents' tentative steps into digital inclusion. Those who receive a loan device and connectivity will automatically receive information and advice on how to stay safe online.
We aim for 80% of those who attend an event to say it has inspired them to learn more.

Voluntary sector support

Provide support to the voluntary sector to deliver their services online. Offer loan or refreshed devices to help them support their clients and enable them to benefit from NCC economies of scale relating to licence procurement and advice.

We aim for 80% of relevant voluntary, community or social enterprise (VCSE) organisations to feel they are supported by NCC to deliver their services online.

Accessible web content

Ensure that our digital web content is accessible regardless of people's ability, disability, literacy skills or whether English is their first language. Managers and staff understand their responsibilities to provide accessible digital and web offers to ensure that residents with disabilities are not excluded from accessing information.

This target is under development.

Developing the skills of our staff

Our key outcome is for NCC staff to be digital advocates and champions. They'll understand how to use technology to:

  • Support people in their everyday lives
  • Overcome barriers to access
  • Allow people to become digitally included

We consider accessibility as standard when developing new applications or digital services. This means the people that need them the most can access them.

Opportunities to trial assistive technology, guided by staff who understand the benefits and application, helps people to:

  • Maintain or increase independence
  • Maintain or increase employment opportunities
  • Improve wellbeing

Our staff as digital citizens can make best use of digital services in their day-to-day roles.

Strategic plan: What we will do

Engage and communicate

Engage and communicate with staff so that they understand the support offer clearly and can communicate this to residents. This includes enabling staff to understand their responsibilities to provide accessible digital services and web content to customers.

We aim to have an engagement plan in place by October 2022.

Showcasing technology

Showcasing, technology test drives and training opportunities that influence and inform staff on the types of technology available to support people they are working with and support to access wider support available.

We aim to have held 15 events for staff by March 2023.

Support offers

Ensure staff understand how to access the support offers available (and go to Libraries staff for help where needed) for residents they work with so they can support them to access help. For example, where people have learning disabilities or we are working with families experiencing a range of inequalities and barriers to access.

We aim to have trained 1000 staff to become digital advocates in 3 years. 80% of staff trained will feel confident that they can really help people to become digitally included.

Town and parish council support

Work closely with the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) to provide support to town and parish council staff, who can in turn support residents.
We aim for 80% of parish clerks to be confident in how to refer people for help.

An efficient experience

Make it simple for staff to find local digital support offers for residents by ensuring the Norfolk Community Directory has a range of guided searches and up to date information to make this as quick and simple as possible.

We aim for 80% of staff surveyed to feel they can use the Norfolk Community Directory effectively to find information for residents.

Making digital technology accessible

Ensure that our digital technologies - such as our computer hardware, software, apps, business systems - such as Oracle and Liquid Logic - and business equipment such as smart phones are accessible for disabled staff and service users.

We aim to develop our digital systems and project staff to complete relevant training. Project documentation, including checklists, will ensure that accessibility needs are considered on all relevant systems development and procurement activities.