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Norfolk schools accessibility strategy

Additional information, advice and guidance

Medical needs

The Joint Protocol between Health Services and Schools provides guidance on managing pupil absence due to medical reasons.

Government have provided guidance on supporting pupils with medical conditions at school and education for children with health needs who cannot attend school.

Reasonable adjustments

The Equality and Human Rights Commission have provided guidance on making reasonable adjustments for disabled pupils.

The AGCAS Disability Task Group's guide to reasonable adjustments gives advice on making adjustments to support adults with Autism/Autism Spectrum Disorders, Asperger Syndrome, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dyspraxia or Tourette's Syndrome.

Educational visits

The Outdoor Education Advisers' Panel has provided guidance on schools visits for people with disabilities.

Web accessibility

The Government's guidance on understanding web accessibility requirements provides detail on making sure that content on websites and in apps works for everyone, regardless of their disability.