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How you can take action

Parent and child planting a tree

Tackling climate change requires each of us to make changes. We all have a part of play in creating a more sustainable world for ourselves and future generations.

There are actions everyone can take to reduce their carbon impact. These actions can also save you money on your energy bills and improve your health and wellbeing.

Check your carbon footprint

A carbon footprint is a way of measuring your impact on the environment. It calculates the amount of carbon released into the atmosphere by your everyday activities.

Use the WWF Footprint Calculator to find out the size of your carbon footprint is and where you can make some simple changes to reduce your emissions.

Be energy efficient

Switch your household or business to a green energy supplier. This can reduce emissions caused by heating and lighting buildings and using appliances. Find out which companies offer renewable energy on

If you live in a low-income household, you might be eligible for funding to improve your heating and insulation through the Norfolk Warm Homes scheme.

Reduce waste

Processing waste uses a lot of energy. Waste that goes to landfill also produces methane - a harmful greenhouse gas.

You or your business can reduce emissions from waste by recycling, composting, and buying fewer single-use plastic products.

Find out how you can reduce, reuse and recycle.

Use low-emission transport

Reduce transport emissions, congestion and air pollution by:

If you run a business, encourage your staff to choose greener travel options or reduce business travel using hybrid meetings.

Buy responsibly

You can reduce your carbon impact by buying products that are:

  • Environmentally friendly
  • Made from sustainable materials
  • Produced using sustainable methods
  • Second-hand or refurbished

If you run a business, work with your suppliers to find ways to reduce carbon emissions associated with products your business uses or consumes.

Reduce transport emissions by sourcing products for your home or business locally.

Save water

You can save water in your home or business by:

  • Fixing leaks
  • Installing water-efficient fixtures
  • Capturing water from rainfall using a water butt

Practice water-saving habits like turning off the tap while you brush your teeth, taking shorter showers, and using a bowl to wash fruit and vegetables.

Get growing

Planting tree, shrubs, and other greenery around your home or business can help:

  • Absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
  • Provide food and shelter for pollinators, birds, and other wildlife

You can get help and funding to plant trees through our 1 Million Trees for Norfolk project. The Wildlife Trust provide advice on making your garden pollinator-friendly.

Sustainable food choices

You can reduce your carbon footprint by:

  • Eating locally grown and organic foods
  • Reducing your consumption of meat and dairy products
  • Avoiding food waste

Read about the carbon impact of different foods and find out how to reduce your food waste.

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