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Adopted policy documents

We are responsible for planning for how the waste produced in Norfolk is dealt with, and also for how much mineral extraction is needed.

We want to plan for minerals extraction and associated development and waste management facilities in a way that minimises adverse impacts and maximises potential positive impacts.

The adopted Norfolk Minerals and Waste Development Framework contains the following three minerals and waste planning policy documents and a policies map.  These documents contain policies for use in making decisions on planning applications for mineral extraction and associated development and waste management facilities, and in the selection of specific site allocations in Norfolk:

We adopted the Single Issue Silica Sand Review of the Minerals Site Specific Allocations DPD on 11 December 2017. Further details can be found on the Silica Sand Review page.

Norfolk Minerals and Waste Local Plan Review

We are preparing a Norfolk Minerals and Waste Local Plan Review, to consolidate the three adopted DPDs into one Local Plan, ensure that the policies within them remain up-to-date and to extend the plan period to the end of 2036. Further details can be found on the 'Norfolk Minerals and Waste Local Plan Review' page.

Mineral safeguarding guidance

In our capacity as the Mineral Planning Authority, we have produced mineral safeguarding guidance for developers, agents, landowners and local planning authorities, which outlines the measures needed to ensure that non-mineral development on mineral safeguarding areas in Norfolk complies with adopted policy on the safeguarding of mineral resources. The Norfolk Minerals and Waste Core Strategy Policy (PDF, 2 MB) - safeguarding, forms part of the adopted Development Plan.

There are separate guidance documents for:

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