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Annual Monitoring Reports

In accordance with Part 8 of the 'Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012', local planning authorities must make any up-to-date information, which they have collected for monitoring purposes, available as soon as possible after the information becomes available.

List of sites safeguarded under Core Strategy Policy CS16 as at December 2023 (PDF, 204 KB)

The East of England Aggregates Working Party (EEAWP)

The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) requires (paragraph 213) Mineral Planning Authorities to plan for a steady and adequate supply of aggregates and sets out a number of ways of achieving this. It includes participating in the operation of an Aggregates Working Party and taking the advice of the party into account when preparing their Local Aggregate Assessment.

The membership of EEAWP is drawn from the Mineral Planning Authorities in the former East of England region, including Norfolk County Council, as well as representatives of the Mineral Products Association (MPA) and the British Aggregates Association (BAA). Other interested parties attending include a representative from DLUHC, the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) and The Crown Estate.

The Chairman is Richard Greaves, Chief Planning Officer (County Planning and Major Development) at Essex County Council.

The Secretariat is provided by David Jarvis Associates Ltd. View the minutes of the EOEAWP meetings and the Annual Monitoring Reports.

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