Promoting electric vehicle use

What we're doing to help electric vehicle users

We're working with district, borough and parish councils, plus Norwich City Council. We all want to make Norfolk a place where EV users have all the infrastructure they need.

We're looking at less common approaches to boost Norfolk's EV charging capabilities. We're also looking to create better provision in Norfolk in the following ways:

  • Using a coordinated approach to new EV charging installations. We're ensuring that all local authorities are aware of each other's proposals and works in progress. This is through our local EV Working Group. It includes working to compliment existing or proposed initiatives, such as the Broads Authority's Electrify The Broads.
  • Working with districts and parishes to determine local EV charging demand. We're exploring whether we can assist installations with funding or technical guidance.
  • Exploring new funding and partnering opportunities from central government and the private sector. We're also working with chargepoint installers to find alternative models to those needing up-front funding.
  • Launching our new Norwich On-Street EV Pilot scheme. This will roll our more on-street chargepoints in partnership with UK Power Networks. We expect this to go live by the end of 2022.
  • Looking at areas not usually covered by typical government EV grants. For example, rural destination charging and EV provision in tourist areas. This will bolster one of Norfolk's most important employment sectors.
  • Installing EV chargers at Norwich's Park & Ride sites. This will allow EV users to charge while making use of public transport.
  • Providing maps showing all Norfolk's EV chargers, particularly those run and owned by public bodies. This is due to come soon.
  • Providing a temporary option for EV users who want to charge at home but do not have dedicated parking or a nearby chargepoint. This is in the form of our EV Cable Permit Application.
  • Providing innovations in EV charging. This includes contactless payment as standard and back-to-back car and boat charging at sites on the Norfolk Broads. We're also exploring the possibility of using solar or other renewable power to keep EV charging cheaper and clean.

Where to get more information

If you have a question about EV charging in Norfolk, or want to suggest a charging point location, email

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