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Adult Learning privacy notice

This privacy notice provides information on how Norfolk County Council's (NCC) Adult Learning uses your personal information to provide you with all the information, advice and guidance you need to access further education, and to support you in making the most of the education opportunities available.

By 'use' we mean the various ways your personal information may be processed including storing and sharing the information.

Further details

We also provide further details regarding:

  • Who we are
  • How long we use your information for
  • Your rights under the GDPR and
  • How to exercise them

You can see this information in our general privacy notice on our web site or you can ask us for a copy of this information.

What we use your personal information for

We use your personal information primarily to manage the County Council's Adult Learning Service including: 

  • Enrolling learners on to courses
  • Communicate service information and changes to services you are signed up to (for example cancellations or change of venue) 
  • Providing further support to learners, both financial and in classroom
  • Compiling and processing Learner Agreements.
  • Obtaining funding from Central Government via the Education and Skills Fund Agency (ESFA)
  • Provision of awards and certificates through the respective awarding bodies
  • Provide you with information about other services you may be interested in (only if you have opted in). You can opt-out by following the 'unsubscribe' link at the bottom of all emails.  

We also use this information to assess the quality of our services and evaluate and improve our policies and procedures. 

We may also use information in other ways compatible with the above.

What personal data we collect and use about you

We may collect and use your:

  • Personal details such as your name, dob/ age, gender and marital status
  • Contact details such as your address, telephone number and email address
  • Other ways of identifying you such as your national insurance number, your unique pupil or learner number, passport number, national identity card, birth certificate and teacher reference number
  • Previous education, including schools or colleges attended and qualifications
  • Employment history
  • Current employment status including name of employer, your job title, right to work documentation, working hours, training records and qualifications and professional memberships
  • Financial including your income or your partner's income, savings/capital, any benefits received, and any payments made to you by us or by us to you, payroll, tax status, PAYE and bank details
  • Social relationships, including your marital status, your spouse/partner and children and caring for a family member, next of kin and emergency contacts
  • Personal history
  • Immigration status including refugee, grant of asylum, migrant worker, leave to remain, right to work documentation, and visas
  • Documentary data including passport, driver's licence, birth certificate and change of name documents

We also collect information about the following which is classed as "special category data" under the GDPR.  

  • Racial or ethnic origin
  • Health data including physical and learning disabilities; mental health; occupational health; and transport needs

The GDPR includes safeguards to protect the use of your special category data. Further details can be found on our website in the document named 'Special category data and criminal offences data policy' which sets out our procedures for compliance with the principles of the GDPR and the retention and erasure of this information. 

Who provides this information

The information we hold includes information you have provided to us.

We may also receive information from:

  • Other departments and services of the Council, including Active Norfolk
  • Health bodies organisations and individuals including GP surgeries
  • Other local authorities
  • Government department or agency
  • Residential service provider
  • Support agency
  • National independent bodies
  • Schools, academies, colleges
  • Training providers
  • Education services
  • Qualification award bodies
  • Funding bodies
  • Public and other individual third parties
  • Local partnerships e.g. LEP

Who we share your information with

We may also share your personal information with:

  • Operational staff including one-to-one support workers
  • Government department or agency, for example, Department for Education
  • Ofsted
  • Qualification award bodies
  • Funding bodies, for example, Education and Skills Funding Agency, including The Learner Records Service. To find out more about how the Learner Records Service uses your personal information, please see their privacy notice.

Any information which is shared will only be shared on a need to know basis, with appropriate individuals. Only the minimum information for the purpose will be shared.

Your personal information may also be given to third parties contracted by the County Council to provide a service to the County Council. These service providers are known as data processors and have a legal obligation under GDPR and to the County Council to look after your personal information and only use it for providing that service. In particular, the County Council has entered into a contract with West March Systems for the TERMS Evolution student data base.

How the law protects you and the legal basis for processing your information

We have legal grounds to process this information because

  • It is necessary in the performance of a contract to which you are party
  • It is necessary to comply with a legal duty or to fulfil a public task. This includes tasks under the:
  • Education Act 1996
  • Education Act 1997
  • Education and Skills Act 2008
  • Children and Families Act 2014
  • Equality Act 2010
  • Apprenticeship, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009
  • You have provided consent (for email newsletters). Consent can be removed at any time by following the 'unsubscribe' link at the bottom of each email. 

We have legal grounds to process special category data in the exercise of a statutory function and for reasons in the substantial public interest. The statutory functions are set out above.

How long will we keep your personal information for

We keep your data in line with government grant guidance and the County Council's retention schedule.

How we keep your information

The information is stored electronically securely within the TERMS database and/or Microsoft Access database on the County Council server. Access to this data is granted to authorised personnel only, and strictly for the duration of their job role.

Original hardcopies are securely held in archive at Norfolk County Council Archive, Scottow.

We do not process your information outside of the UK.

Automated decision making

We do not make automated decisions about you and your family.

Changes to this notice

We may amend this privacy notice at any time so please review it frequently. The date below will be amended each time this notice is updated.

This notice was updated on 25 July 2023. 

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