Tell us where you've planted

The 1 Million Trees for Norfolk project is tracking the number of trees planted in the county. Knowing where trees have been planted will help us to understand where Norfolk's coverage is growing and its future impact.

If you've planted any trees since November 2019, you could be part of Norfolk's 1 Million Trees story by adding to the tree and hedge count.

We can also count trees that have grown from naturally dispersed seeds (e.g. by birds, wind or mammals). This is called natural colonisation.

We've already counted trees planted via 1 Million Trees for Norfolk schemes in 2021, 2022 and early 2023. This includes schemes such as Jubilee Trees for Norfolk, our Councillor Tree Giveaway and the Summer Free Tree Give-away, so please do not include these in your count.

Use our online form to tell us about the trees you've planted. The form should take about 10 minutes to complete.

Tell us about trees you've planted

Before we include your trees, we'll need to make sure you've planted the right trees in the right place for our project. We will ask you about your trees and whether they have naturally colonised.

You must make sure:

  • You have the landowner's permission to plant any trees
  • You're not replacing lost trees. For example, those that have been cut down or died due to disease.
  • You look after them while they establish and allow them to thrive to maturity
  • You have planted them (or encouraged natural colonisation) after November 2019

Thank you for being part of the story to increase tree cover in Norfolk for a healthier environment for people and wildlife.

Sign up to our newsletter to find out about more initiatives in the future.

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