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Part night street lighting

To cut CO2 emissions and save money, we have adopted part night lighting in low crime areas where there are low levels of through traffic. It also complements other actions we have taken such as modernising lights to make them more energy efficient.

This has happened after consultation with all stakeholders including residents and Norfolk Police.

Part night lighting involves limiting night time lighting to times of highest traffic volume through the use of photocell technology which measures natural light levels and switches lights off for a period of five hours.

During the consultation period, we understand concerns were raised about the perceived effects of part night lighting on crime and we worked closely with Norfolk Police to determine whether any areas should be excluded from the scheme. However, a 2015 national study into the effects of reduced street lighting found little evidence of harmful effects of part night lighting on road collisions or crime in England and Wales.

As the consultation and review period have been completed we are unlikely to make any changes to part night lighting but we will continue to support Norfolk Police where they have identified a change since the consultation and believe dusk to dawn lighting will help reduce crime.

If you are concerned about crime levels in your area, we recommend raising this at your local Safer Neighbourhoods Action panel or 'SNAP' meeting. These meetings give people the chance to raise any issues or concerns they may have about where they live and speak to panel members made up of representatives from the police, district council and other agencies. More information on upcoming meetings and events can be found at Alternatively, you might want to ask your local district/borough councillor if your concerns can be put on the meeting agenda and discussed at the next meeting.

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