Civil parking enforcement and legal orders

On-street parking enforcement in Norfolk transferred from the police to local authorities on 7 November 2011.

Enforcement of on-street parking restrictions, including yellow lines and time-limited spaces, is now carried out by Civil Enforcement Officers managed by local councils;

Please use the above contact information for general parking enforcement queries in your neighbourhood.

Local councils have the power to issue Penalty Charge Notices (parking tickets) for parking infringements, and manage this process on our behalf. For queries about a Penalty Charge Notice you have received please use the contact information printed on the ticket.

Parking obstructions can be reported to the police - more information is available on the Norfolk Constabulary website. (opens new window)

Read the latest Norfolk Parking Partnership Joint Committee Annual Report (opens new window) (See page 21)

They have the power to issue Penalty Charge Notices (parking tickets) for parking infringements, and manage this process.

Civil Parking Enforcement guidance manual (PDF, 655 KB)

Parking Legal Orders

Below is a table that shows the different types of legal Order in force in each town or parish. Orders that can be viewed are shown in purple.

Find the parking restrictions on an interactive map

Other Orders can be viewed upon request at County Hall, Martineau Lane, Norwich, NR1 2DH.

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