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Green pedalway

June to November 2019

This scheme was designed to improve safety for all users through changes to four areas along the green pedalway.

Earlham Road/outer ring road roundabout:

  • Upgrading the existing signalised pedestrian crossing on the Farrow Road arm to allow for walking and cycling (toucan crossing)
  • Building a new shared-use zebra crossing on Earlham Road (eastern) arm
  • Connecting the toucan crossing and cycle zebra with a shared-use path
  • Modifying the central island and kerb lines to bring the toucan crossing nearer to the roundabout and offer a safer entry and exit to Gypsy Lane
  • Enlarging the splitter islands to reduce exit speeds and improve crossing of Earlham Road (western) and Colman Road arms


Earlham Road/Christchurch Road area:

  • Implementing a mandatory cycle lane, 1.5m wide with light segregation on both sides of the carriageway where speeds are higher and road width allows
  • Implementing a no parking restriction that covers the mandatory lane
  • Building a zebra crossing (with cycle facility) on a raised table at the junction with Christchurch Road to reduce traffic speeds and provide a suitable crossing facility
  • Implementing a 20mph speed restriction to the east of the junction with Christchurch Road

Earlham Road and side roads:

  • Implementing a 20mph speed restriction
  • Building a new zebra crossing on a raised table near the junction of Wellington Road to reduce traffic speeds and provide a suitable crossing
  • Building pedestrian priority treatments across side roads to reduce traffic speed, deter rat running traffic and to improve the environment for walking
  • Removal of existing centre line
  • Associated changes to waiting restrictions

Earlham Road/West Pottergate area:

  • Simplifying the junction through closing West Pottergate to motor traffic where it meets Heigham Road. Creating a turning area to provide improved and safer access to crossings for walking and cycling
  • Building a new shared-use zebra crossing over Earlham Road and on a raised table across all arms of the junction
  • Widening footways on Earlham Road to reduce traffic speeds and shorten crossing distances

A consultation on proposals took place in July and results were reported to the Norwich Highways Agency Committee at their meeting on Thursday 20 September 2018. The scheme was approved for construction by members.

View the report (agenda item 6)



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