About Transport in Great Yarmouth

Transport study work was carried out for Great Yarmouth during 2018 and 2019 by the Borough and County Councils. This included extensive data collection, option testing and appraisal and included stakeholder engagement.

After a public consultation with exhibitions at the Town Hall and Gorleston Library a draft Great Yarmouth Transport Strategy report was prepared including an Implementation Plan of transport schemes addressing the priorities and objectives.

The Great Yarmouth Transport Strategy was agreed and adopted by Norfolk County Council Cabinet in April 2020. Great Yarmouth Borough Council considered it at their Economic Development Committee and endorsed the strategy following the outcome of the public consultation.

The implementation of the transport strategy will be overseen by the Great Yarmouth Transport and Infrastructure Steering Group, taking account of environmental policies and any implications of the current Coronavirus crisis. This Steering Group which includes Members and senior officers of both councils has been operating now for some years and has already been overseeing the development of strategy.

Delivering the measures identified in the strategy and Implementation Plan will have positive benefits for the town. Not only will they address issues on the transport network such as congestion and accessibility, but they should also help to make Great Yarmouth more attractive to economic investment and help existing and new businesses within the town.

Great Yarmouth Transport Strategy

Norfolk County Council adopted the Great Yarmouth Transport Strategy and Implementation Plan (PDF, 7 MB) on April 2020 subject to completion of the Strategic Environmental Assessment.

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