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Manage your library account

Change your library account details

Change email or telephone number

Log in to your library account to change your email and/or phone contact details. 

Change your address

If you move within Norfolk, take proof of your new address to any Norfolk library to update your record. If you move away, contact your local library.

For proof of your new address, you could use one of these documents:

  • Your driving licence
  • Council tax bill
  • Recent electricity, gas or telephone bill

You can bring proof of your new address to a library, or you can send us a scanned copy by email.

We will limit the number of books you can borrow to two until you provide proof of your new address.

Change your name

Contact your local library to update your name. We do not charge for replacing cards because of a name change for reasons such as marriage or divorce.

You will need to show proof of your new name to get a replacement card.

Change anything else

If you want to change any other details, contact your local library.

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