Make a complaint about childcare

When your child is in childcare you may have concerns you want to raise but not know where to turn for support.

If you feel that there is a child at risk

Visit Reporting concerns for more information about what to do.

Provided you feel children are not at risk it’s always best to speak to your childcare provider directly to raise any worries you have.  These may be issues with your child’s experiences, payment of bills or understanding contracts.

If you feel the situation has not been resolved then ask for the provider's complaints procedure.  Send them the problem in writing as they have a legal obligation to process any written complaints (the only exception to this is home childcarers).  The childcare provider must now carry out an investigation and inform you of the results of this.  If you feel that the outcome is not satisfactory and you feel the situation needs to be escalated to other organisations here are some details on who to contact next.

Concern about quality of care - setting not meeting its regulated standards

You will need to contact Ofsted. You may also like to notify our Early Years Quality and Improvement team.

Problem with free early education and childcare or early years pupil premium payments (EYPP)

Contact the Early Years Quality and Improvement team to speak to someone for advice.  You may also wish to complete a written complaint, via email to or in writing to:

FAO: Jo-anne Lamb
Early Years and Childcare
Woodside Centre
Witard Road

You cannot find childcare

If you have used all support for finding childcare and are not able to find childcare in your local area of Norfolk, you can make a complaint through our compliments and complaints team – details of which can be found on our Compliments and Complaints page.  Information on lack of childcare is collated and used each year for the authority’s Childcare Sufficiency Assessment which can be viewed here.

Not sure who to speak to?

Email the Family Information Service at

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