SEND support groups and events
National SEND support organisations and groups
National support organisations include:
- Contact - for families with a child who is disabled
- Carers Trust - for parent carers
- Carers UK - for parent carers
- Down's Syndrome UK
- IASS Network - information, advice and support services
- IPSEA - independent parental special educational advice
- MENCAP - for families with a child who has learning disabilities
- Mind - mental health charity
- National Autistic Society
- Nip in the Bud - films and fact sheets about mental health and neurodiversity
- SWAN UK (Syndromes Without a Name) - for families with a child with a rare genetic condition
Support groups are ideal
- To meet other parents and carers in a similar situation
- For friendship and opportunities to socialise
- To share information
Find other national support organisations and groups
Search the Norfolk Community Directory
Contact, the national SEND charity, can also signpost you to national groups.