Help to cope with change
Resources to help support good transition planning
Managing feelings
Just One Norfolk transitions guidance
Early years transitions
Early Years Transitions Leaflet 1 - A guide for mums, dads and carers
School transitions
Transition from infant to junior school - A guide for parents and carers (PDF) [684KB]
Transition to secondary school - A guide for parents and carers (PDF) [762KB]
BBC Bitesize transition support
SEND transition resources - Schools (
Transition to post-16 education or training
Parent and carer guide to planning for college or training
Transition from secondary school to post-16 - A guide for parents and carers (PDF) [612KB]
Preparing for adult life
Transition and training at 18+ - A guide for young people, parent carers and settings (PDF) [482KB]
Being healthy as an adult - A guide for parents, carers and young people (PDF) [1MB]
Being independent as an adult - A guide for parents, carers and young people (PDF) [1MB]
Being part of the community as an adult - A guide for parents, carers and young people (PDF) [1MB]