Social care assessments

Children and family assessments

A children and family assessment is for children aged 0-17. It looks at the child's needs and what support may be needed. You might have heard it called a 'social work assessment'. Each assessment is different, because it's important that our social care teams understand what's happening for your child and your family and so they can do their best to meet your needs.

There are lots of ways we can help you if you have an assessment. We can give you advice and guidance, and point you to services and organisations that can help you and your family. Or the assessment may decide that your child should have social care support from children's services.

The professional carrying out the assessment will want to know what you think you need extra support with. It can help to think about these three questions:

  • What are we worried about
  • What's working well
  • What needs to happen

To request a children and family assessment you will need to contact the Children and Families Duty Service (CADS) on 0344 800 8020 - follow the options for children's social care. CADS will decide how the assessment should take place. 

Who can have a children and family assessment

All disabled children and young people who meet the Children Act 1989 and the Equality Act 2010 definition are entitled to a social care assessment as 'children in need'. However, not all families will need to have a social care assessment as you can access some services like Short Breaks directly.

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