Support in the home, changes and adaptations

Your young person with SEND might need support, changes and adaptations made to their home, to enable them to live independently.


This might come from you, other family members, friends, community groups or other paid support workers. Find out more:

Changes and adaptations

These can be grouped into two main areas:

  • Physical modifications to the home
  • Equipment including assistive technologies

These changes will make your young person's home easier and safer to live in. Some of changes might be small. For example, fitting a grab rail in the bathroom. Others may require building work. For example, putting in a shower room. Remember, if your young person does not own the property they live in, they will probably need the property owner's permission before any work is undertaken.

Your young person might get a disabled facilities grant to pay for any big changes.

Further information and guidance

You might find these case studies on how assistive technologies can break down barriers useful.

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