What to do when feeling unwell
Your young person should know who they can contact when they do not feel well (apart from you!)
They should also know what sort of information they may need to tell people.
Going to a doctor or General Practitioner (GP) does not need to be the first place they should go. There are other services which may be able to help them.
Pharmacists and chemists
Pharmacists and chemists can give expert advice on medicines. They can also help with minor health problems, such as aches and pains, sore throats, colds, eye infections, stomach and skin problems. Find a pharmacist or chemist (opens new window).
Nurses in their GP practice
Can diagnose, treat and manage a range of health conditions. Find a GP practice.
NHS 111 - free national health telephone service
Call 111 for medical help or advice, in a non-life-threatening situation. Trained staff will ask about the caller's symptoms. They will then guide them to an appropriate medical solution.
- Find out more about NHS 111
- Easy read guide on the NHS 111 service
- Video that describes the NHS 111 service
NHS walk-in centres
Can help with non-life-threatening situations, such as sprains and strains, infections, rashes and minor burns. The centres are normally open seven-days-a-week, morning to late evening. No appointment is needed. Find a local walk-in centre.
Accident and Emergency (A&E) department
Guidance on when to go to A&E.
Call 999 - emergency service
NHS guidance on when to call 999.
NHS easy read web pages on when to call an ambulance, how to call and what to do while you are waiting.