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Every Relationship Matters in Norfolk

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Every Relationship Matters in Norfolk (ERMiN) is Norfolk's reducing parental conflict programme.

When we talk about conflict, we mean arguments and disagreements.

Conflict with a partner or ex-partner

You may not always see eye to eye with your partner or ex-partner. Being a parent is very rewarding, but it also brings challenges. The challenges of being a parent can also cause conflict.

Disagreements will happen and this is okay and perfectly healthy. It's how you argue with your partner or ex-partner which is important to consider.

Unhealthy conflict and the effect on children

When we argue we might shout, slam doors, cry, or ignore each other. The list can be endless and we all argue in different ways. 

When arguments happen, children can often become confused or upset. This is because they do not understand what is happening. Unhealthy disagreements can have a lasting and damaging effect on children.

Change your behaviour

By changing how you talk or behave with a partner or ex-partner, children are less likely to be exposed to unhealthy disagreements.

Just One Norfolk website offers advice, guidance and videos that can help you.

Need more support?

If you think you need more help and support to reduce parental conflict, contact family hubs.


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