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Foster carer fees and allowances

Payments when a foster placement ends

When a placement ends, you must report this to the payments team. This will let them know that they need to stop your fees and allowances for that placement.

  • Email
  • Phone - if your last name begins with:
    • A, B, C or D, call 01603 638177
    • E, F, G, H, I or J, call 01603 679340
    • K, L, M, N, O, P, Q or R, call 01603 222156
    • S, T, U, V, W, X, Y or Z, call 01603 222120

You may get paid more than you are entitled to if:

  • A child or young person leaves your care in the middle of the two-weekly payment period
  • The payments team have not been notified that the child or young person has left your care

This is called an overpayment.

What to do if you are overpaid

If a placement ends following an allegation

Child removed from placement, no further LADO investigation needed

Your payments for a placement will stop on the day we removed a child from your care following an allegation if:

  • The allegation is referred to the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO),
  • A strategy meeting is held to review the allegation and,
  • Following the meeting, it is agreed that no further LADO involvement or investigation is needed

Child removed from placement, further LADO investigation needed

In this scenario:

  • An allegation has been made,
  • The allegation is referred to the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO),
  • A strategy meeting is held to review the allegation, and
  • Following the meeting, it is agreed there will be a Multi Agency LADO Meeting (MALM) to agree how the allegation will be investigated further

When this happens:

  • You will get paid your full basic maintenance allowance and placement fee for two weeks from the date we removed the child from your care
  • After the first two weeks, your basic maintenance allowance and placement fee will stop. You will then get paid a £250 retainer each week for 6 months, or until the date of the final Multi Agency LADO Meeting - whichever is earlier