Family and friends care

What is family and friends care?

When a child lives with family or friends instead of their parents

Types of family and friends care

Information about the different types of family and friends care, including private fostering

Parental responsibility

What the legal term 'parental responsibility' means

Looked after children

If a child is considered 'looked after' it can affect a family and friends care arrangement

Child protection

What happens if there are significant concerns about a child

Court orders for children

Details about the different orders a family court may make for a child

What to expect in the assessment

An assessment is carried out to decide if the best place for the child is with you

Who can offer support?

There are a number of different organisations which can support you

Things to consider in the future

There are a few changes that may take place in the future that could affect your arrangement

Norfolk Kinship Service hub

Our hub for kinship carers in Norfolk

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