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New to care

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When you first come into care it can be scary and you may find you have worries and questions. It's important that you talk to someone about your concerns, so that we can get your the right help. You can talk to your social worker, residential or foster carer as they are there to support you.

Foster carers

Find out what a foster carer does and some frequently asked questions about living in foster care

People who support and help you

You will get help from people including your social worker, foster carer and independent reviewing officer (IRO)

Social workers

Find out what a social worker does for you and some frequently asked questions about social workers

What does looked after children mean

A looked after child might live with foster carers, in a children's home, with family members or connected people

Where you will live

Places you might live whilst in care, including foster care, residential care or living with family

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