Higher education
Apply for university
If you are currently studying a Level 3 course, then your sixth form or college will help you decide on the best course and university for you. They will help you make an application to UCAS.
If you are returning to learning, your life beyond care personal advisor can help you apply to UCAS.
Do your research
- Visit the Propel website. It is for care leavers and has information about different universities, including:
- If they offer bursaries to care leavers
- The additional support care leavers can get on campus
- Look at The Complete University Guide website
- Find general advice on being a student on The Student Room website
Make sure you talk to your life beyond care worker and carers. They will be able to support you to make this important decision.
Try being a university student
If you are interested in going to university, the University of East Anglia (UEA) may be able to offer you a chance to 'shadow' a student for a day. You can experience first-hand what it is like to be a university student.
Admission interviews
We will support you to attend up to three university admission interviews. If you want to attend more, talk to your personal advisor. We will usually pay your travel costs and overnight accommodation if needed. Your personal advisor, carer, or a friend can go with you if you want. Make sure you arrange this well in advance.