Contact our adult social care team

Before you contact us

You can search the Norfolk Community Directory to find local services to help you.

If you have a general question, you might find the answer in our care, support and health pages.

What happens when you contact us.

Unsure where to start?

If you are unsure what support you need you can use our support needs form.

You can use the form to:

  • Find information to help you stay independent
  • Contact us if you need further support

You can complete the form for yourself or someone else. For example, for family, friends or somebody you support professionally.

You can only complete the form for one person at a time.

Support needs form

Other ways to contact us

If you need help with your care or need to report an adult at risk of harm you can contact us by phone or text relay.

Telephone: 0344 800 8020 - this number is open 24 hours a day

Text relay: 18001 0344 800 8020 - for people with hearing or speech impairments

In an emergency call 999.

Support for looking after someone

Our support for carers section has local services, advice, and support to help you as a carer. This includes the carer's assessment and Carers Matter Norfolk.

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