Care Act assessment

What happens after the assessment

After your Care Act assessment, we will write to you and send you a copy of our assessment. This will explain whether you are eligible for our help and the reason for our decision.

If you're eligible

Care and support plan, indicative personal budget, and financial assessment

We'll work with you to create a care and support plan. This will set out what support and care you need to meet your eligible needs. The aim of the plan is to help you get back to doing the things that are important to you.

As part of the care and support plan, we'll give you an 'indicative personal budget'. This is an estimate of the money needed  to meet your eligible needs. This estimated amount helps us start planning what your care might look like. For example, what sort of services you need.

Alongside this, we will complete a financial assessment with you. This determines who will actually pay for your care. Depending on the outcome of the financial assessment, you may then get a 'final personal budget'. See our paying for care guide for more information.

We'll continue to review your needs

We'll get in touch a few weeks after your care and support is in place to see how you're getting on. After this, we'll review your care needs with you on an annual basis. This is so you continue to receive the right support and remain as independent as possible.

We'll make sure you get the same level of care if you move away from Norfolk

If you move away from Norfolk, the council in your new area will still meet your needs. They'll provide the same level of care and support as we did.

We will work with the other council to make sure that there is no gap in care. 

If you're not eligible

Even if you're not eligible for our support, we might point you to other organisations or charities that could help you.

You can also search for support on the Norfolk Community Directory.

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