Make important information easy to find

In Case of Emergency (ICE)

You can list your emergency contacts in your mobile phone to make it easier for emergency service staff to see who to call if something happens to you. If you're a carer, we recommend listing people who can support the person you care for as emergency contacts.

You can do this by adding "ICE" in front of their name in your phone's contact list eg ICE Maria, ICE Tom. Emergency services staff will know to look for the word "ICE" in your contact list.

You may be able to add emergency contacts in your phone's settings.  This will mean that they show on your phone's lock screen and can be called even when your phone is locked. How you do this depends on the type of phone you have - check the instruction manual that came with your phone. 

Message in a bottle

The message in a bottle scheme encourages you to store your important personal and medical details on a form in a bottle that you keep in your fridge.

This means that if you have an emergency at home, emergency services can quickly find out:

  • Who you are
  • Who your emergency contacts are
  • Whether you have any existing medical conditions or allergies

We recommend that you include details of the people you care for, where you keep your emergency plan, and your emergency plan number.

Find out more about message in a bottle

Message in a wallet

Message in a wallet is like the message in a bottle scheme. It's a form that is small enough to fit in your wallet or purse. This means that if you have an emergency when away from home, the emergency services can find your personal and medical details.

Find out more about message in a wallet

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