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Community groups and schools

Stop smoking services

Help members of your community to go smoke free.

Smokefree Norfolk and the Great Yarmouth Stop Smoking Service offer specialist advice and support to smokers from across Norfolk who want to quit. Every year they help thousands of people to give up smoking successfully.

Specialist advisors work with smokers who are ready to stop, finding what works best for them. This might be intensive support, group sessions, one-to-one appointments, drop-in sessions or workplace advice and support.

The advisors are also available to work with ‘priority groups’ including:

  • Patients in hospital and those who are about to undergo surgery
  • Pregnant women and young mothers
  • Smokers at risk (patients who have diabetes, heart disease, lung problems or orthopaedic conditions, or have had a stroke)
  • Mental health patients
  • Routine and manual workers

If you'd like to discuss hosting stop smoking sessions at your organisation, email

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