About International Recruitment East

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Welcome to the international recruitment information hub 

This hub is designed to provide help, support and guidance. It is for anyone in the East of England who is involved in international recruitment within the adult social care sector.

The hub includes a wide range of information to make it easier to understand what can feel like a complex process. We will expand the information over time so this website will be an online centre of excellence. It will bring together a wide range of resources for care providers and internationally recruited staff including:

  • Recorded training webinars 
  • Training materials, guidance and toolkits

A total commitment to ethical recruitment is at the heart of the international recruitment programme in the East of England (International Recruitment East). 

We want to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all our internationally recruited staff. We also want to ensure the very best quality of care for those receiving health and social care. 

The programme is funded by the Department of Health and Social Care's international recruitment fund. Resources contained within this website have been funded from 2022/23 - 2023/24 allocations. The aim is to support care providers of adult social care services in international recruitment. It does this by promoting collaborative arrangements, simplifying processes and reducing the burden. 2024/25 funding creates a new focus to support displaced international recruits. The website now contains support directly for this group of people.

International Recruitment East is supported by: 

International Recruitment East is a project run by Norfolk County Council in partnership with:

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