Introduction to European partnerships

The UK is still a full member of the EU, and UK applicants are eligible for EU funding until the end of the current Programmes. The External Funding Team would urge potential applicants to make the most of the opportunity while it still exists and are here to help.  Email for more information. 

What is Interreg? 

Interreg is the key instrument of the European Union to support cooperation between partners across borders in order to tackle common challenges together and find shared solutions – whether in the field of health, research and education, transport or sustainable energy.

Norfolk is within the eligible area for two cross border programmes; the 2 Seas programme, and the France (Channel) England programme. The transnational programmes North Sea Region and North West Europe are also within scope for Norfolk applicants as is the interregional Interreg Europe programme which covers all of the EU.

Each of these programmes has its own eligible area as well as its own priorities and objectives. See the individual project pages for more information and examples of the kind of projects funded.

How do I apply?

Find below some points to think about when you are considering applying for an Interreg programme.

Interreg introduction

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