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Workforce information and support

Learning and Skills Development

Learning and Skills Development contributes to safe, quality and person-centred care.

It can also ensure workforce members:

  • Have the right skills and knowledge
  • Have the opportunity to develop
  • Have job satisfaction
  • Feel empowered to take on more responsibility.

The Skills for Care report 'State of the adult social care sector and workforce', highlights that staff turnover rates are nearly 10% lower for staff who receive training.

The Norfolk Care Careers team offers the following:

  • Support with your training matrix and identifying training needs
  • Signposting to courses and potential funding sources
  • Sign post to digital learning opportunities and support to get started with digital learning
  • Study skills support.


The workshop programme provides initial skills development and more information about working in the social care sector.

Sessions include:

  • Progression pathways
  • Building workplace confidence
  • Person-centred and holistic care
  • Record keeping.

Visit the Norfolk Care Careers events page for upcoming workshops

1:1 Mentoring

Our dedicated Workforce Adviser team can also offer mentoring to members of the social care workforce or to those considering a move into the social care sector. 


  • Tailors support to suit individual needs
  • Offers advice and a space to self-reflect
  • Enables career progression and job satisfaction
  • Supports anyone who is undertaking courses or professional development
  • Helps with study skills, planning and managing time
  • Signposts to suitable funded training opportunities and e-learning courses
  • Supports to overcome day-to-day challenges and gain confidence.

Social care workers who have had mentoring say the support is a valuable resource. They outline it has improved their confidence and made them more likely to take up future training or education.

Register your interest in 1:1 Mentoring

If you work in adult social care, or you are considering a move into the sector and would like to know more about mentoring, careers, vacancies or skills development in the sector, contact us. 

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